"How much yarn will I need to purchase for the entire afghan?"
Well, I hate to say this, because I like to have the answer for everything, but I can't tell you how much you will need. Each block will use different amounts b/c different stitch patterns require different amounts of yarn. I will venture to say that it will be approximately 145 yards of yarn. Give some or take some, of course. Take into account that if you plan to double up on your blocks, as we recommend if you want a full sized afghan, then you should double up on your yarn. :D This project is perfect for using up scraps that you have laying around, though. Originally afghans were made with scraps of yarn. If you need to purchase yarn, I suggest purchasing a 'no dye lot' color OR you can get coordinating colors to make it pretty. I don't really want anyone to have to shell out a lot of money upfront, so my suggestion is to buy as you go. :)
"If I have an idea or want to design a block for the class, who do I contact about it? And do I have to teach the class, myself?"
Well, first find the post about the specifics for the block designs and read over that so that you understand the make-up of the blocks so far. Then contact Jenny at
jenniferstark@msn.com or contact Robin at
mrs.robinlmccoy@gmail.com OR
thades_mama@yahoo.comYou don't have to teach your class, if you are too shy. But we encourage that you do teach it yourself. It is a great experience, besides, who knows your pattern better than you? :D
"My finished block didn't come out the right size! Do I need to start over?"
I have learned that in looming, needle knitting and crocheting you have your bad days and good days and in between days. Sometimes, if you are tense or just focused on something else, it can effect the tension you use. Different people also use different tensions. For instance, Jenny is a tight loomer (haha! Put her on the spot now didn't I?) but I loom much looser than she does. This all can affect the outcome of your block. My best suggestion is to measure as you feel you are getting close to being done. If you think you are going to end up with a block too big, then measure your first three rows to see where you need to stop with your pattern and put your last three rows on. If your block is going to be too small, try doing the opposite and add a few more rows of design to your block before doing the last three rows of your pattern. If it all overwhelms you, then feel free to ask the designer what they would do about it. :D
More FAQs will be added as we proceed. If you are looking for the answer to a specific block, check the post made for that block and see if there is a FAQ section for it.
Thank you!